New! Learn backcountry ski touring and avalanche safety with this comprehensive program. This course combines our Introduction to Ski Touring with a Level 1 avalanche class into a 5-day course.
Cost: $550
You will learn:
• Equipment for ski touring • Use of AT boots and bindings • Climbing skin use and maintenance • Uphill travel, skins, kick turns, pole work • Trip planning. • Track setting. • Winter medical issues. • Route planning • Time management • Survival considerations |
PLUS Avalanche Level 1
(for details click here)
Day 1We begin with discussion and demonstration about ski touring equipment. You'll learn the appropriate gear to take in the backcountry, kick turns uphill, tricks and techniques with your climbing skins for uphill travel and strategies to find the best snow. A day of ski touring. Day 2 A day of touring with focus on skills training, rescue and introduction to snow stability. Day 3 Avalanche Awareness Lecture - classroom 6-7 hours. Day 4 A day ski tour and the completion of the Level 1 certification. Day 5 A day ski tour. Every tour is different and each day we learn more, reinforce what we have learned and practice the newly aquired skills. NOTES: There is considerable flexibility built into the delivery of this course. No course is exactly the same. Snow and weather conditions will dictate the order of presentation to some degree. Key topics will be constantly revisited during the program. You should be a strong intermediate downhill skier (on either “telemark” or “alpine” gear) able to maintain control in all conditions. You need to be in good physical condition and able to ski with a medium sized pack. No prior ski mountaineering experience needed. Understand that expert skiing ability has nothing to do with expert knowledge of remote backcountry travel, avalanche safety, and winter survival skills. Backcountry travel involves the possibility of avalanches, cold injury or getting lost. It is not for the inexperienced and should only be done with a professional guide or with experienced friends. Make sure you and your friends have the experience to stay safe.
New skills and knowledge will be very well reinforced by five days of consecutive days of training.
Equipment Checklist
Dates: Comprehensive Ski Touring & Avalanche Level 1 class for Feb 13-17, 2014.
Lecture will be held at University of Puget Sound in Tacoma on Feb 15, 2014.
AA FT will be Feb. 16, 2014, and L1 FT will be Feb. 17, 2014 (see insert below)
Cost: $550 For more details and to Register, call (234) 208-6739 or Email:
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After PayPal payment you will be given instructions on how to complete the student profile registration process. |
All currently open Avalanche Education lectures and field trips are shown below. If the one(s) you are already rostered in are not shown it is because either the dates are full or it is less than 2 weeks away.
Confirm/check your field trip date (login req'd)
Professional Member of AAA and Affiliate Member of CAA, ACMG, and CSGA Avalanche classes based on American Avalanche Association education guidelines |